Matthew 10:34
"Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword…”

n the verses that follow (35-38) Jesus goes on to state “Your worst enemies will be the members of your own family” and “those who love their children or their parents above God are not fit to be my disciples”. There are countless stories of children following their dreams, breaking the mold which their parents envisioned for them. Less common but equally admirable are the parents who forgo financial security for their family in order to follow their passion. It is essential to follow our hearts and pursue our calling to kindle our passion for life. 

It seems to me that people are often compelled to sell their soul to greed or envy when considering what work they should do. Others too fall to pride, exchanging their passion in something simple for approval from those with high expectations.

 There are always challenges and those who would dissuade you from seeking and pursuing what you are called to do, but purpose must be defended and obstacles engaged with the will of a warrior fighting for their freedom. Legally, we live in the land of the free, but social pressure is always present insisting upon a safe and standard path and that pressure is strongest from those we love most. The shouts of caution from those closest must not drown out the quiet, undeniable voice of God in our heart to do something brave. 


Father, Open our hearts so that the cross 
which is ours to bare is undeniable, and give us the 
power to bare it with strength and dignity whatever 
may come against us. May we live with such truth 
that even when the details of our actions are 
forgotten, our example continues to pay inspiration 
forward for all time. 
Til your kingdom comes,
